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Why Join?
EARN THE AMAZING, coveted, unique Team Challenge Qualifier t-shirt! This collectible swag can only be earned by enrolling three (3) new people and 300 QV.
GROWTH: Team Challenge participants see an average 20% growth in their business during the promotion month!
TEAMWORK: Working as a team, you’ll get support, fun, and accountability. We often do more for a bigger cause, and Team Challenge is our biggest promo of the year.
CONFIDENCE: Qualifying, enrolling, and working with others in this contest will elevate your confidence to a new level.
What are the minimum qualifications?
You and your team must meet the minimum qualifications
Each individual team member must enroll a minimum of 1 new customer or distributor with at least a 100 QV total, and the TEAM must have a total minimum of 9 new enrollments and 900 QV total.
You can use any combination of orders and new enrollments to hit your minimums.
Once these minimums have been met, the team in each division that generates the most QV total will win!
Every Distributor on your team must meet the minimum individual qualifications for your team to be eligible to win.
TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR THE T-SHIRT AND DRAWINGS: An individual MUST have 3 new enrollments and 300 QV.
FOR ALL TEAM CHALLENGE PARTICIPANTS IN US/CANADA. Check with your local office for Team Challenge specials in your market.
When enrolling a new Distributor or Retail Customer: You can offer FREE SHIPPING for first time orders of $99 or more (US/Canada only. Check your local market office.)
When enrolling a new Preferred Customer: You can offer FREE SHIPPING AND we'll waive the Customer fee! The Preferred Customer must purchase $99 or more on their first order to receive free shipping.
Enrollment kits or items with zero QV do not count toward the $99.
Free shipping does not apply to digital orders/products or CEO Paks.
Maximum order amount for free shipping is $498
Free shipping available in your back office, on your replicated website, or by contacting Customer Service. NOT available on Youngevity.com.
Do DAC loans count for Team Challenge?
Do new retail customers count for Team Challenge?
How do I know how my team is doing?
Visit the Youngevity Team Challenge Standings that includes teams, results, and rankings so you know exactly where your team stands and what you need to do to have a chance to win and compete against other teams.
Who can be a Team Captain?
Any Youngevity Distributor in good standing. You can either create your own team or join a team to be nominated as the Team Captain.
What if I have questions?
Read the Rules and FAQ first. Then email or call your Captain. If your questions still haven't been answered, please email us at teamchallenge@youngevity.com. When sending the email, please be sure to include your ID and name, team name, any ID and name of your downline related to the inquiry, and OrderID if applicable.
Any other team requirements or rules I should know about?
Yes. Please read the full rules page, in addition to these below:
CEO Paks count with full QV (500QV)
Points for Team Challenge are not final until after the month closes and final standings are posted.
No backdating.
Any orders coming into the back office system after this will not count. Orders placed before the deadline and paid afterward do not count.
Youngevity reserves the right to re-balance to keep the challenge fair for everybody. This can include but is not limited to: moving participants to a different team or moving teams to a different division or creating new teams or divisions.
By signing up for Team Challenge you agree to have your contact information shared with your team members.
Transferred orders may not count for Team Challenge.